Bryce's condition continues to deteriorate as he is struggling to overcome the newest round of pneumonia. They had to change from the conventional vent to a vent that keeps his lungs open constantly in order to help move oxygen through. He was just requiring more oxygen than the other vent would allow. They need him very sedated on the current vent and the original dosages they were giving him was just not enough and early this morning he was close to maxing out this second ventilator as well. They upped the dosage on his sedative and he's back down to where they want him to be on vent settings. His PDA is still large (the hole in his heart) and they were wanting to give him a second round of the meds used to close it but he has started showing signs of renal failure from the first dose so they've quit the medication. They've given him several boluses of fluids as well as two diuretics in order to get his kidneys functioning the way they should.
I know that you all have been praying on Bryce's behalf and continue to do so, as well as for Grant, Paul and I. I am so thankful for the support you all have given us. I continue to pray that God heals my boys and that we will continue to find peace in the midst of this storm. I know that He is faithful to answer our cries. I've seen it so many times in the past two weeks.
I just wanted to give you an update on what is going on with the boys. Grant is doing much better than his brother. He does have pneumonia as well but has been responding well to the antibiotics. The last head ultrasound did show some fluid retention from the brain bleed but that can be fixed with a shunt if need be. He does have an infection from yeast but that is also easily treatable with medication.
Even though things seem so discouraging, I praise God for the answers to our prayers that he has already provided and for the answers still to come.
Hi Katie, I'm one of Paul's friends from college, I have a friend who just recently went through a similar situation with her little boy (her water broke at 17 weeks and she had him at 26 weeks...I believe). I know that she is praying for you guys and if you ever need to talk or need some emotional support, I know Lisa would love to talk to you. Have Paul contact me or you can contact me on facebook for her information. We're praying and I know God's will will be done.