Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Its the little things....

Its the little things....Really, it is. The baby steps, so to speak, that make such a difference for us each day. The ability to enjoy our boys for another day and to watch them thrive under the care of an incredible NICU team and the Great Physician's hands.

This past week was such a rough week; especially for Bryce. Both boys have developed pneumonia and had to go up on their vent settings by quite a bit. Bryce eventually had to be switched over to the oscillating ventilator because the conventional one was just not doing enough for him. Even with the oscillating vent, he was struggling for a while. Last night there was talk about doing surgery on his PDA as that may be the big issue as to why his lungs have continued to worsen.

Today was a day full of little things. Bryce and Grant both had a good night and a good day today. Bryce had an echo today that showed his PDA was closing!! It was listed last week as Moderate to Large. Today its listed as Small to Moderate! What a praise! His head ultrasound confirmed last week's results that his brain bleed is gone. He has been steady on the current vent and has not required them to up the settings. His chest x-ray was also better than previously. Grant's weight is up to 2 lbs 15 oz so just barely under 3 lbs!! (because of the excess fluids still working their way out of his system as well as the increased blood volume from the blood transfusions, I don't have a current weight for Bryce). Grant has also finally gotten to a place where they can start trying to wean him off the vent again. He's been able to go down by 10 on his vent settings today and still maintain good O2 sats which is awesome. He has been able to get off of all but 1 of his antibiotics, as well.

Today has been a day of little blessings. Little blessings that mean a great deal to us. God is once again answering our prayers for these beautiful baby boys! I cannot tell all of you enough how much your daily encouragements to me on Facebook, and all of your prayers mean to both Paul and I. We are humbled by the concern and care that so many have shown!!


  1. PRAISE GOD!!! Katie, thank you for sharing this excellent news with us!!! SUCH A HUGE ENCOURAGEMENT for you and Paul and for the MANY MANY who are praying for Bryce & Grants FULL RECOVERY!!!

  2. Katie, I can not begin to tell you how happy I am to be reading this update on your boys. God is truly a great God and your family has been blessed. You have so many people praying for your family and I am excited to see the work that God does in your boys lives over the next few weeks.

  3. We are praying for all of you and your little ones don't ever give up we do have a prayer answering GOD and he is in the miracle healing business love to all Aunt Margaret and Uncle Daune and Mike and Tonya
