I went up today to visit the boys for their 3pm touch time and see how things were going. Bryce was still very low on his settings (they can't go much lower! :D). Its so nice to come in and here "there's not a lot new today" from his nurse. It means he's doing good. He's at 3 lbs 4 oz after losing the bulk of his fluid retention from previous weeks. He looks like a tiny newborn, pink and "filling out" rather than a very puffy and ruddy looking micro-preemie. His UAC line (see "NICU Terms" post) had stopped drawing but they were going to see if they could get it working again. He was awake off and on during his respiratory treatments and I so enjoyed looking at those sweet eyes trying their hardest to open and take a peek around. He is so precious.
Grant was very wide awake during my visit. When I'd talk to him, he'd respond by trying to look up and move his head towards the sound of my voice. I so greatly enjoy seeing my little man bright-eyed and responsive. Up until the end of this past week, I'd not seen him with his eyes open or seen any movement other than an occasional involuntary jerk or seizure movement. What a blessing to see him alert! As I was changing his diaper, his nurse talked to me about how he was doing. His UAC was also no longer drawing so they were going to see about replacing it. They'd drawn a tracheal aspirate culture when they'd reintubated him on Christmas Eve and it came back positive for Gram Negative - a type of bacteria. He is currently on an antibiotic for Gram Positive strep from his PICC line. They started him on a separate antibiotic for the Gram Negative. He has been on full feeds (solely breast milk) since Thursday (other than going NPO for a short time following extubation). This morning, they started noticing bowel loops - a sign of intestinal swelling. He also had higher residuals than the doctors would like. They lowered his calorie count and stopped fortifying my milk to see if that would help. He was able to continue full feeds through the afternoon. When we were doing his 9pm assessment, his nurse again noticed bowel loops. While I was changing his diaper, I noticed that his poop had a foul smell to it not typical for a baby solely on breast milk. Grant's nurse decided to check it and found a small amount of blood. He is now NPO and will have several x-rays to check for intestinal dilation. A culture of the stool was sent off to the lab. After a week of good news, this hit me a little hard. I know that the NICU stay is a roller coaster ride full of ups and downs but lets just say that knowing that doesn't make the bad news any easier to stomach.
The boys' nurses both needed to do a few things and I found myself for a short time alone with the boys. I stood next to Grant's isolate and just watched him breathe. I started talking to him and his eyes opened and he moved his head as if to look up at me. I opened the isolate door and placed my finger in his hand - he grabbed a hold of it. Nothing tugs at my heart more than such sweet responses from my boys. I just stood there staring at such tiny fingers wrapped a

Oh how wonderful. I hope Grant's bowels don't end up being a problem. But they've done so wonderfully, I'm sure they'll do great through any obstacle. That picture is the sweetest and bruoght tears to my eyes. How amazing. You can feel the love in that picture. Continuing to pray. Big hugs for all of you.