Monday, March 28, 2011

Never A Dull Moment

Like I need proof that I'm missing a few screws!  One day it will be funny to look back and read all of my scatterbrained moments and laugh.

Today was just more proof that children eat your brain cells in utero. I have had a horrible time of arriving anywhere at the time I'm supposed to. If my appointment is for 12:00, be assured that I won't get there before 12:10. This morning, however, I was actually running on time. The boys were in their car seats, albeit quite upset about it, Raegan was ready to go as my little helper, the diaper bag was packed and Grant's HAM was packed up. All I needed to do was spritz my hair with a little water to tame the frizz and I was good to go. I wandered into my bathroom in search of our spray bottle but was unsuccessful in locating it. I decided to check the girls' bathroom as they often borrow things from mine. While I didn't find ours, I did find a little one that would work. I needed to get going so as not to be late like every other day. As I began spraying my hair a smell filled the air. Was that... Easter eggs?? Pickles?? And then it hit me. This tiny spray bottle was NOT just filled with water. It was the spray bottle we use for cleaning mirrors; water mixed with vinegar.

There I stood, completely ready to go aside from one minor detail: I smelled like a freshly died Easter egg. Gag! I quickly threw my head under the tub faucet and did a quick wash to remove the offending odor. I neglected to notice that my sweater still smelled of vinegar. Off I went, now late as always, with my three year old asking me from the back seat what that smell was. Sigh. At least Grant's nurse got a good chuckle out of it!


  1. Kate I know it's not funny to you now, buy I am glad you posted this. Someday you will love this story, and besides I needed a good laugh :) I love you do very much sister mine!
