Thursday, February 23, 2012

Change of Plans

We've been doing speech and occupational therapy at the hospital with both boys for a year.  Every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm.  In October, we added physical therapy on Tuesdays from 1-2pm.  We also have First Steps on Monday mornings which provide all three therapies.  Add to that my bible study at church on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 (sometimes noon), NICU Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm and my week is crazy even without anything else coming up.  God laid it on my heart to drop therapy at the hospital a couple of weeks ago but I didn't out of worry that our therapists there (Kathy and Marilyn) would be upset.  Of course, that was just satan trying to convince me of that so that I would be disobedient to what God had called me to do.  Well, I haven't cancelled therapy and something has come up every single week, usually sickness, that has forced me to cancel for that week.  I went in this past week to let them know that I needed to drop services but when they mentioned switching therapy to Thursdays, I caved.  Oh the things we go through when we're not obedient! I know the reason that He was having me cancel was because my schedule was overwhelming and the boys are doing just fine with First Steps only.

Last night was crazy.  The boys were up nearly every hour for one reason or another.  They also woke up Brooklyn at one point, which Paul graciously took care of for me.  We had incredibly broken sleep. I woke up this morning feeling like I was hit by a truck.  I rushed about getting the kids ready for therapy at the hospital and just as I was getting ready to head out, there was a knock at the door. It was our speech therapist from First Steps. I'd completely forgotten that I'd scheduled her this morning!  So I was double-booked and I had to call the hospital and cancel the first session of therapy this morning.  I felt extremely overwhelmed.  Then I got a call from a friend (Lauren) from church.  I had texted her to ask her a question about bible study and she decided to call and catch up with me since we haven't seen each other in several weeks due to illness in one of our houses.  God spoke so much to me through her about trusting Him and about His provision.  I received an email from a friend (Jodi) requesting prayer for a really stressful situation.  God gave me Philippians 4:7 to share with her.  After I got off the phone with Lauren, I sat down and reread the scripture He had me give to Jodi.  What peace that verse brought me!  I knew when I got off the phone with Lauren that I needed to call the hospital and cancel services.  After meditating a bit on the verse, I called and got the department voicemail. I explained the situation and then asked Marilyn or Kathy to call me back.  So now I wait for their return call (we're scheduled with them at 12:30pm this afternoon).  For the first time, however, I have complete peace on this situation.  I have known for two weeks that I needed to drop services but kept putting it off due to fear and look at the mess that unfolded because of it.  *sigh*

Our weeks are looking a bit less hectic now. Praise the Lord.  I am so grateful for a God who has patience on us, infinite grace to forgive us when we disobey or question and overwhelming peace to give us when we repent and continue to walk with Him.

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