Thursday, November 18, 2010

So begins the wait. :)

These twins have kept us on our toes the majority of this pregnancy and this week has been no exception. Tuesday morning I woke up with an incredible amount of pressure and cramping. Started some heavy bleeding around 10:30am. I called Paul to let him know I was going in and Krista picked me up to take me in to L&D (I had locked my keys in the van).

Got checked into L&D Triage around 11:30am. There was a woman in the latter end of labor a couple rooms down so it took a little while to see the nurse but they went ahead and put me on the monitors in the meantime. I was contracting about every 1-2 minutes at that point. The pressure was still quite intense. The nurse came in a short time later and checked my cervix and I was dilated to between 3 & 4 cm. They immediately transferred me over to L&D, started an IV and gave me the first dose of steroids (OUCH)as well as terb to stop the contractions. The put me back on the monitors and I was still contracting pretty regularly. After about an hour, they started me on nifedipine since the terb wasn't helping. Spent the rest of the afternoon & evening being monitored and the contractions had slowed down considerably by that evening. Took an Ambien and was able to sleep well until about 3:30am and then my body decided it was time to wake up. My contractions had picked up a little during the night but they were very spaced out and irregular by morning. The extreme pressure from Bryce was also so much less.

The contractions continued to die down, only picking up as the nifedipine came close to being due. Dr. Williams came by shortly before 10am and told me that I'm going to be here until they arrive which will hopefully be later than sooner. That was a little discouraging to hear but if it means the boys stay in longer, so be it. I had a quiet morning and napped early in the afternoon. I had my second round of steroids at 2:30pm and Dr. Redfern (the hospitalist that checked me Tuesday - he is a fantastic OB. I had him frequently with Brooklyn, too) came in to check me again. He said the pressure from my cervix was gone and there was no more change. WAHOO!! That meant I could have my first real meal since Tuesday morning and then they'd move me to the floor so I could actually see out a window and not have to stare at the infant warmer. Wanted to throw something at that thing. LOL

Around 7pm, I was transferred to my room (one of the same that I was in with Brooklyn, complete with "Rear Window" view) and settled in. Got those lovely leg cuffs to help with clot prevention but I now had bathroom privileges and hopefully shower privileges will come shortly. I was given a heplock after Dr. Redfern checked me so I no longer was hooked up to any cables, tubes, etc. which I was grateful for. I will have daily NSTs but will not be hooked up 24/7 at this point. :) My really good friend, Kim Harrod came by to see me and Paul with all 4 girls in-tow soon followed. I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with Kim & Paul and seeing my sweet girls! They left around 8:45pm and I *tried* to settle in for the night. It actually took me until almost 1am to fall asleep but sleep eventually came. My acid reflux is bad and Bryce is still low so I was up and down throughout the night going to the potty and trying to squelch the reflux but that's ok. :)

I have so far had the same nurses as when I was on the floor with Brooklyn last year which makes me excited. They are such great nurses. :) When my nurse came in this morning to give me my next round of nifedipine, she said that she had put in for me to get a private room (I am in a shared room right now, though I don't currently have any roommates). She said it may be tomorrow or Saturday before I am transferred over but this makes me very excited because a private room hopefully means no more "Rear Window" though I'm still very thankful to have a view and I don't have to worry about having not-so-polite roommates like I had for the first part of my visit with Brooklyn last year. :)

I will do my best to keep this up, like I did with Brooklyn, so I can keep everyone updated on how things are going. :)


  1. Thank you Katie for taking the time to write this and to keep us updated on what you are going through and how everything is with your boys!
    We love you and are praying for you!

  2. Hey Kate! COOL!! I love it when you have time to do these! I like your wallpaper too ;) I got to read to the girls today after Brookie went down for her nap...I have been trying to keep her up till 1pm but she always falls asleep in her high chair so put her to be early for her today. She went right down with no crying at all. Raegan started crying during our book reading time so I put her to bed also and she fell right to sleep too. No idea what time they all got up. Paul is an angel and lets me sleep in until he leaves for work. He loves to play with his little girls...and I LOVE seeing it!!! He is a good daddy. Got your dish towel drawer and cart rearranged and straightened out. Next will be the hall bathroom closet. It is nice to just putter :D I would go NUTS if I didn't have something to do after the girls went down. Haidyn rests on the couch with her books and then tries to nap. She is such a sweetheart! Great helper with Raegan. Need to have my quiet time now. I love you!!!!!
